Kausar Meutuwah @ Sistem Operasi


By Kausar Meutuwah



Semoga Dapat Nilai Bagus Aamiin

  1. Dont Give Up
    You should never give up. Here is a link to a guy who never gonna give you up.


  1. OS Main Site
    The Site created by Mr. RMS. This site covers everything you need to know for os222 course. It feels like it has everything. It has slides, tutorials, logs, reports, links, and other stuff you probably will never read.

  2. What is Git? Explained in 2 Minutes!
    A really helpful video about what is git. In just 2 minutes, it covers about what is git and why you need to use. I personally thinks watching 2 minutes video like these very helpful

  3. OS Tutorial
    Operating System Tutorial by Javapoint. Really helpful especially becuase we just started learning about OS.

  4. Markdown Basic Syntax
    Markdown is basically a suped up version of txt files. Here is some tutorial on how to use it. Why? you ask. Cause we need to for this course :D.

  5. Bash Cheat Sheet
    We are going to use linux mostly from a terminal so we need too learn bash. This site gives you a cheat sheet for most of the most used bash shell command. Nice right?


  1. Awk Tutorial
    Mr RMS just told our class about AWK and i was very sleepy at the time. If you’re anything like me, you might need some reminder. Here some a link to an AWK Tutorial.


  1. Cyber Security In 7 Minutes | What Is Cyber Security: How It Works? | Cyber Security | Simplilearn
    Cyber Security. Wtf is that? Well, if you don’t know, Here is a link about it. You should check it because this week has a lot of stuff mentioning cyber security.

  2. Learn C
    This is a good site for people who want to learn about C with some basic exercises. This site also lets you run the code on the website and see the output of your code.


  1. FUSE - The Linux Kernel
    This week we learn about file system. Linux also use a file system, it is called FUSE. This article have documentation about the definition and commands that is in FUSE. Should you be interested in learning about Linux File System this article is definitely something you should check.

  2. What is a User Account?
    A user account is a collection of settings and information that tells Windows which files and folders you can access, what you can do on your computer, what are your preferences, and what network resources you can access when connected to a network.

  3. Virtual filesystems in Linux
    Virtual filesystems are the magic abstraction that makes the “everything is a file” philosophy of Linux possible.


  1. What is memory mapping in Linux?
    Memory Mapping is a really interesting feature that is used in a Unix System. This Article explain it really well despite its compact size. Try to read it if you have the time Thanks.

  2. Difference between Compile Time and Load Time address Binding
    Penjelasan terkait perbedaan antara address binding tipe compile time dengan load time.

  3. Address space
    The range of virtual addresses that the operating system assigns to a user or separately running program is called an address space. This is the area of contiguous virtual addresses available for executing instructions and storing data

  4. Dynamic & Static Linking
    Linking is the process of bringing external programs together required by the one we write for its successful execution. Static and dynamic linking are two processes of collecting and combining multiple object files in order to create a single executable. Here we will discuss the difference between them.

  5. More about Dynamic & Static Linking
    Linker is system software which plays crucial role in software development because it enables separate compilation. Instead of organizing a large application as one monolithic source file, you can decompose it into smaller, more manageable chunks that can be modified and compiled separately. When you change one of the modules, you simply recompile it and re-link the application, without recompiling the other source files.


  1. Virtual Memory in Operating System
    This article explains about virtual memory. I deem it very helpful for this week lecture.

  2. Page-Buffering Algorithms
    Page buffering algorithm is an algorithm that is really important for virtual memory. You can learn about it in this link.

  3. Memory Allocation Algorithms
    Memory Allocation algorithm is an advanced algorithm using Red-Black tree. This allows logarithmic complexity allocation. You could learn more about it in this link.


  1. How to Running Processes in Linux
    This link tells you about how to run processes in linux. I think it would be a helpful if you read it. Goodluck.

  2. Fork() in C Programming Language | Engineering Education (EngEd) Program
    This article is about fork in C programming language. Since week 06 explain about fork this might be helpful to undertand the basic of fork more clearly.


  1. Process Synchronization
    This link is about process synchronization in linux by Tutorialspoint. learning this may help for OS Week 7 lectures.

  2. Semaphore in Process Synchronization
    A semaphore is simply an integer variable that is shared between threads. it is a part of process synchronization.


  1. Linux From Scratch - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
    This is a good introduction to understand the concept of Linux From Scratch in Indonesian. I couldn’t find any better materials in Indonesian to explain the basic concepts of Linux From Scratch. I think this might give you a big picture to understand the essentials of Linux From Scratch.

  2. Linux From Scratch - Version 11.0
    Official Linux From Scratch Guide. It is really important for this week assignments.


  1. What is RAID 5?
    This is the backup copy of the website mentioned on the course’s slide material. Even though the UI is kinda unpleasant, the information and visualization are very helpful to help you to understand about RAID 5. I recommend this website as a headstart to understand about RAID 5.

  2. RAID level 0, 1, 5, 6 and 10 | Advantage, disadvantage, use
    This is a comprehensive article about RAID. It has an extensive information about RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, and 10. There are some visualization, too, to help you to comprehend the materials better. I recommend this article as a headstart to understand the basics of RAID.


  1. Linux From Scratch 11.2 Chapter 8
    This is a link to Linux from Scratch Chapter 8. This is what we do for this week weekly assignments. Very Helpful to read it cause you need to do it :).

  2. How to Build LFS 11.2 by Kernotex
    A video guiding you to make an lfs. I find it very helpful when im not sure about what the instruction means or where to run the commands from the instruction.


  1. DOTA2
    Are you interested in wasting your time in a game that has no endings. Well this link may give you a temporal enjoyment of winning followed by depression because you might just forgot to do your assigments. Hehe :3

More Links may be Added